Logistics Scheduling Manager

Andy Carver

What's been your favourite memory?

The memory which I can relay in a public domain (!) is actually a very simple one, but it really sticks with me.  It’s a long, long time ago.  Bill asked me to join him to look at the Dalton Mill site.  We didn’t actually go in, but he showed me the extruder building which was “due to be commissioned”.  I’ll never forget this, as there’s very little comparison between then and now – how small that area was then, and how it’s grown.  While I don’t have a photo from the time, the photo below does give a bit of an idea.  Even this photo shows the building at a much bigger state than when I first went up with Bill.

What's been the biggest change you've seen?

The sheer size of the Business, not only here, but the growth of the treat/wet Business, and of course lately the addition of PFUK.  


Why have you stayed?

My aim has always been the same  from day one -  to try and ensure all customers receive their orders in full and on time and supporting the NAMs/hauliers with any queries which arise in keeping customers informed and happy.  I hope that I will be allowed to continue with fulfilling that aim until I retire.


Andy Cook

Coming soon....

Operations Training Manager

Paul Tippett

What's been your favourite memory?

I have many favourite memories, but the one that stands out the most was 20 years ago when I was chosen to move from Topcliffe mill to Dalton mill when they had just opened the Packing area, where we had just installed Fawema 1


What's been the biggest change you've seen?

The biggest change I have seen is how quickly the business has grown over the last 20 years, especially in the packing dept. where we went from 1 line to 13 lines


Why have you stayed?

With living locally which is great, but over the years Wagg/IPN have done a lot for me and it was only right to repay that trust and loyalty.  


Martha McGarry

What's been your favourite memory?

The funniest moment was when Knotty (George Page’s puppy) ate the VAT inspector sandwiches. He wouldn’t let us buy him another one in case it was seen as influencing him. As the day went on he got tetchy because he was getting hungrier.


What's been the biggest change you've seen?

There has been so much change over the years that this one is difficult, but I think the biggest change was when they installed the first extruder because it was such a change. This one was built differently to any other extruders, and everybody was so proud of the design as well as the installation. Also, because the Page family history was milling it felt like the extruder linked back to this.


Why have you stayed?

When I started it was possibly a temporary role and here I am. It has been such a dynamic and growing business; it has kept it fresh and challenging. The team that I was part of, Wagg family and finance team, being a part of that growing.

Warehouse Operator

Glenn Measham

What's been your favourite memory?

When the production lines went from manual to automatic which made it so much easier. 


What's been the biggest change you've seen?

It would be the expansion and the growth of the business throughout the years I have been an employee at IPN.


Why have you stayed?

Enjoyable, made a lot of friends through the years and quite happy in my roll at IPN.


Stephen Boalch

What's been your favourite memory?

Well there are a lot of memory's but one that sticks in my head is the time I saw Bill Page outside Topcliffe Mill watering the gravel and thinking to myself well that's never going to grow.


What's been the biggest change you've seen?

From us going from a small 20-50 pallets a day family run atmosphere business to a 700-1000 pallet a day massive multimillion pound business.


Why have you stayed?

The reason I have stayed so long is that I have always enjoyed my work here. The people I work with are a great bunch of friendly helpful people. The company has done so much for me and has given me great opportunities to progress in the business. I have just always felt welcome. 

Hygiene Manager

Shawn Hunt

What's been your favourite memory?

So many – Bill page telling me when we commissioned Extruder 1 that we would only need 5TPH 8hrs per day (200T week) within a month we were running at 9.5TPH 10hrs a day!


What's been the biggest change you've seen?

General growth Year on year – from a 3 person table for breaks in a 10’ x 6’ room to - Harringtons House – No H&S to a H&S team – No Quality checks to a quality team. No product testing to a brand new lab. General company structure continually growing/changing.


Why have you stayed?

Always challenges when things are fast paced, New people to meet, new processes to learn. Generally the people.