At IPN, we want to inspire colleagues to join, stay, develop, and achieve to create a safe, inclusive, and sustainable business, fit for growth. One of the enablers to achieve this is to ensure we are all clear on how our personal contribution fits in with our IPN strategy. In our colleague engagement survey, you told us that we could do more on how we encourage colleague’s development, talk to colleagues about progress and give opportunities to learn and grow.


Welcome to our new approach to performance and development. We’re calling this “My IPN Journey”. This approach aims to provide colleagues with a clear and consistent framework to set your own objectives and development plans, have regular coaching style conversations with your line manager, provide regular feedback to your colleagues, be transparent about career aspirations and supported to achieve.


Management and Support colleagues will be the first to transition to this new approach and you will be supported by a series of bitesize learning sessions throughout the course of the year. Sessions are available in July on writing SMART objectives. Whilst it is extremely intuitive, we’ll also provide a demo on how to use our new performance and career system which we are calling My IPN Journey.

Colleague Learning Resources

We understand that performance and development management may be a new experience for some colleagues. We have created some learning resources to help you along the way. 

Quick Guides

System Tutorials

Bitesize Training Sessions

In addition to our online learning resources, your People Partner will be running a series of bitesize lunch and learn style sessions, timed in line with our performance and development cycle. You can see the calendar of events we have planned here. Invitations to attend will be sent to you directly closer to the time. 

Setting SMART Objectives


Building my Development Plan 


Giving and Receiving Feedback
