Our new wet plant begins to take shape

As many of you may have noticed, there have been some subtle changes in our wet plant over the last six weeks – a new filler, a new fourth retort and eight brightly coloured robots! Project 200, as we’ve named it, is really starting to take shape and we have a busy three months ahead of us as we install, commission and move production across onto our new, state-of-the-art, filling line. These three key pieces of the project will nearly treble our capacity whilst bringing significant safety and quality benefits – such as removing the manual handling of our retort baskets and X-ray inspection of every pot.


But the project doesn’t stop there! We have got so many other initiatives landing over the next few weeks and months… Here are a few key dates for your diary:


  • April: Target to start full production on our new line
  • May: Internal freezer turned on
  • May: Upgraded retort cooling water system goes live
  • May: Wet Packing Cobot becomes operational
  • June: New upgraded mixer goes live


As you can see, there are some significant changes coming, but I would just like to take a moment to say a big thank you to all in the IPN Kinmel team for working safely through this current disruption, whilst managing to produce some of the best efficiency numbers we’ve seen in the entirety of the wet plant – you should all be very proud of your achievements.


I hope you join me in the excitement of what the future holds for IPNK!

