Team Commercial obsess about our customers and revamp their Retailer Brand Day!

Unlike previous brand days with retailers, which can often be  dry, all-day meetings around the boardroom table in Thirsk, we challenged ourselves to do things differently and engage our customer in a way that’s more in-keeping with our brand and the industry we work in.

So, no boardroom and no death by PowerPoint was the challenge!


Building strong relationships and bringing our brands to life


In the morning we took the retailer customer's buying & supply team on store visits around York.


We then presented our IPN vision, the latest Pet Food trends and performance followed by our exciting 12 month brand plans.


The informal nature of the day encouraged great interaction and dialogue from our retailer customer – helped along by our team mascot, Albert!


We further enhanced our good relationships across a cross functional team from IPN and our retailer customer. 


What our customer had to say....


"A fantastic day which sets us up as strong strategic partners"


Kathryn Place, 

Senior Category Manager