Commercial Deployment Day

On Wednesday, 25 January, the newly named Inspired Commercial Team (previously known as the “sales & marketing team”) met at Leeds Beckett University for the company’s first ever formal Deployment Day.

The objective of the day was to inform, excite & inspire the sales team with a new commercial strategy, ambitious and creative brand plans and choiceful, channel-specific commercial plans to give them the direction & tool-kit to build winning plans for their customers for the next 12 months.


Key highlights of the day included:

  • A new and easily memorable 5-step commercial strategy (that triggers us all to start humming Mambo Number 5)
  • A call-to-action to drive our core “Sales Super 7” products that make up 30% of our business
  • An exciting & distinctive new TV ad on Harringtons to drive awareness & relevance with the modern pet owner
  • A fun-but-functional repositioning of Barking Heads, taking it back to its specialist roots
  • A massive growth plan on treats, expertly presented by Lucy Stones dressed in a home-made top adorned with bags of Wagg treats
  • Chris Payne dressed up in a full cat outfit to show some truly ambitious plans to get our cat business roaring like tigers


We ended the day with a presentation from People Director, Sophie Winspear, who took us through some of the exciting new HR plans & benefits coming our way and then some well-deserved drinks at a local bar.


Overall, the day went very well, with great attendance, engagement and feedback from the audience and we are all very much looking forward to the next Deployment Day on the 6th July.


Thanks for reading! 

From Team Commercial!